Friday, August 22, 2014

Happy National Tooth Fairy Day!

As children's writers, this may be the closest we get to having a day dedicated to us. Or childhood. Or imagination. 

Just reading the post title makes me smile and realize that no matter how many times a topic has been covered, it can be imagined in a new way. 

How have you pictured the tooth fairy in your imagination? Here are just a few books on the subject. All wonderful in different ways.
  • The Night before the Tooth Fairy by Natasha Wing
  • Silverlicious by Victoria Kann
  • The Tooth Fairy Trap by Rachelle Burk
  • Caraboose, The Tooth Fairy Moose by Janelle Cox
  • Junie B. - Toothless Wonder by Barbara Parks
  • Bear's Loose Tooth by Karma Wilson
  • The Tooth Fairy by Peter Collington
  • Mary the Tooth Fairy by Nick Bell
  • Tooth Fairy's First Night by Anne Bowen
  • April Underhill, Tooth Fairy by Bob Graham 
  • The Tooth Book by Theo LeSieg
  • You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? by Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt
  • Emma and the Tooth Fairy by Alexander Zavlavsky
  • Dear Tooth Fairy by Alan Durant
  • Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions from Around the World by Selby Beeler
Power up your imagination. Today is your day too. Happy Children's Authors Day! Happy National Tooth Fairy Day!  -Q


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Vacation Time is Divine

As many people do, I have fond memories of summer vacation. School was out and except for household chores and sometimes grueling (if I didn't have a stack of books) car trips, the 3 months of summer were divine. Being known as a children's writer helps when people see me light up with joy at the start of June and don't dim until after Labor Day. 

Even though I have to work at the day job all summer, I do get a couple of weeks off for good behavior. (Yes, Oregon. It was good to see you too!)

In my writing, I try to capture that child-like glee of summer freedom as well. Anything that detracts from that feeling is "the problem" and the return of joy is the solution. Simple, right? Not really, but I like to think of childhood in those terms. (Yes, I am a bit of a Pollyanna. I admit it, but its better than the grumpy alternative.) 

As you embark on your summer writing, try to use favorite summer home/vacation memories to pull the wonder of freedom and anticipation into your work. The exercise may surprise you and help develop depth to your work that you didn't anticipate. Happy summer! - Q