And we're off! Pencils sharpened. Laptops charged. Ideas unleashed.
Picture Book Idea Month (PiBoIdMo 2015) is underway. But if you missed the first day, due to time changes and other mundane non-writing activities like eating and sleeping, you can still join the fun! Just click on the PiBoIdMo logo (on the left) and follow the simple instructions to sign-up.
Tara Lazar has lined up another great cast of contributing editors, agents, authors, etc with words of encouragement and writing tips during the month of November to facilitate our success as writers. Every day, you'll get wisdom and experience delivered to your email (if you select that option) to help navigate publishing idiosyncrasies.
Sign up! You'll be glad you did.
p.s. Tara did not bribe me with scones, dark chocolate, or other goodies to write this post. But I wouldn't mind...