Do you ever have so many new ideas that you think your head will explode? I don't either...usually.
That all changed after attending a non-fiction NF4NF workshop for children's writers offered by Pat Miller in September. Now ideas are stampeding like mustangs before a storm. I just need to wrangle the herd and pick one (or three).
PiBoIdMo is pure writing magic. Every morning in November, no exceptions, I shuffle out of my bedroom in fuzzy bathrobe and slippers with my favorite pen and idea notebook. (See photo) and settle in for an hour before I have to get ready for my day job. With the creative gates open, ideas trot in from the ether. (The first year I participated I was skeptical, but now I KNOW it works.)
Anyway, for those who are stuck for new ideas or have always wanted to write children's books, this is the perfect kickoff to success.